Obstruction of justice

Obstruction of Justice [here] are obstruction on My [Hong Gan’s] legal cases, not any other obstructions – if there is – similar to Trump’s obstruction of Mueller’s investigation.

My current legal cases included:

  • a Rape case against a Medical center whose origin is irrelevant to individual 045 but its impact may be significant because of individual 045’s vicious physical rape on me using the invisible quantum sword
  • a Small Claim case and then later a civil case against Chase Bank for the recovery of damage originated from Trump’s identity theft crime [Trump stole $2000 from my checking account back to the time when this blog was written for the purpose of impeaching him.]
  • a Small Claim case for the recovery of damage originated from Trump’s burglary crime [Trump stole approximately $2000 of personal property from my rented storage unit including those items that not covered by insurance at the approximately same time as the identity theft crimes when this blog was written for the purpose of impeaching him.

Daily Logs on these legal cases are tagged with ‘ticket issue‘ [I was punished by Trump for writing this impeachment website. the Rape case was not a ticket from Trump and its origin was irrelevant to Trump, but Trump had obstructed the justice on this Rape case as well] 

The postpone of the resolution of these legal cases – ‘Tickets’ suggests the postpone of the civil and criminal case against Trump. I have filed one civil case against Trump but the pandemic stalled its progress. So far the summon was not served by the Federal court. The postpone of the Trump’s prosecution may indicate to himself that there will be no agenda to impeach individual 045 and no agenda for the civil action and indictment of the individual 045. Therefore his actions in obstructing the justice for these legal cases are Insane And Vicious.  

Individual 045 obstructed and negatively influenced the outcome of my legal cases via these means of operation.

  • Power off or lock my vehicle (see this page Cyber Crime and Control of Device)
  • Death Threat toward me and other people  (see this page for different forms of death threat)
  • Power off and cripple my cell phone. Cell phone was nonfunctional since June and no legal study and legal research could be done as before 5/19/21. I have no other electronic device and library computer limit 1 hour for computer access. 
  • Rape Threat (see this page for different forms of rape threat)
  • physical Rape (his physical rape is not specifically for the purpose of obstruction. his physical Rape mainly was originated by his inherent insatiable animal desire as a Female Prey-or by taking advantage of the invisibility and nondisclosure of the ‘quantum sword’, because of unavailability of other means of outlet to unleash his animal desire). 
  • Disrupt my rest, exhaust my energy, reduced the efficiency of my work on the legal cases as a self-represented plaintiff. 

These are the daily logs for obstruction of justice