Death threat and Physical Damage Threat

Death Threat

Every death threat and physical damage or virtual physical damage threat Trump had done Biden also done except a brutal battery on the street by Trump. The most common death threat is remote theft and made disappearance of things or food whose purchase cost was trivial, particularly the remote theft of the writing weapon – pens. Although this is not the most frequent method of death threat, but its maneuver seems relatively very effective when he attempted to obstruct the justice of my legal cases, block receiving of medical benefits and food stamp benefits.

For other forms of death threat – see this page for origination. Skate board death threat is frequent, a few times or many times a day. Bombing sound effect death threat also was quite often.

These are the Daily Logs for the death threat and physical damage threat

Physical (Virtual Physical) Damage Threat

Rape Threat

Rape threat was also common. This was done by pseudo-vomiting. The way of the vomiting same as the pregnant female would do.

These are the daily logs for rape threat

Other Physical Damage Threat

The most frequent physical damage threat was on my right knee. Because this location provide the most probable excuse for individual 045 to act upon. Trump had fractured my right femur bone at the knee location. Knee discomfort happens from time to time, although they were seldom logged in the daily log because of the short duration it lasts so far. The other way the physical damage threat was done virtually by showing disabled, limb amputated people sitting on the wheelchair.

He had also threated to blind my vision by showing blind people walking pass by me holding a stick. On some occasion, my eye experienced sour and tearing discomfort. He had also blurred my vision while I was reading a dictionary (that the font size is small)

He may threat to cause breast cancer by manipulating the density of the tissue on the breast, causing my left side breast was much harder and bigger in size than that of the right in May.  This problem seems alleviated since the mid-June.

One time my internal organs had experienced pain. Occasionally, I had experienced difficulty in breathing and chest discomfort.

Because of the severity of his other crimes and control of my devices and other maneuvers, including death threats, virtual rape threat and virtual physical body damage threat were seldom logged in the daily log.